Being confined to a wheelchair can obviously make getting around more challenging, but modern advancements of ramps, separate entrances, elevators and wheelchair lifts can certainly make transportation within a home or business much easier. If you or a loved one uses a wheelchair, you may consider installing a wheelchair lift in your home, otherwise known as an elevator. If you’re a business owner and want to accommodate your physically challenged customers, you may want to add a commercial wheelchair lift for their safety and convenience.

In-home elevators are no longer a thing of the future. Thanks to emerging technology, the reality of wheelchair lifts in homes is becoming more and more commonplace – not to mention affordable. Not only do in-home elevators give you more freedom to access more areas of the home, they also give you the flexibility of living in your home for many more years than you ordinarily would be able to. This is especially so in the case of the elderly, who in the past would have been relegated to a nursing home when confined to a wheelchair. Now you can convert your existing home to accommodate your changing physical needs.
Wheelchair lifts can also pose a convenience level to homeowners when transporting other items from floor to floor, such as loads of laundry, luggage or recreational equipment. No more hauling things up and down the stairs, risking injury to your back and neck. Not only could you tweak a muscle doing this, you could fall and get seriously injured – especially true for older Americans who don’t have the dexterity they used to have. Add to this chronic back pain and arthritis, and you will soon see the benefit to a wheelchair lift.
With an elevator, wheelchair-bound homeowners can live on their own without the help from family, friends or a hired home health care worker to hoist the wheelchair up and down stairs or around other precarious areas. They can simply wheel themselves into the elevator and be on their way. In the long run, this represents an economical and practical option that can’t be ignored.
When you think of elevators, you likely think of large commercial-size lifts that take up a lot of space and that probably cost a small fortune to install. However, your options really open up when considering an in-home lift. Mowrey Elevator offers a variety of sizes and styles depending on local building codes, designs and personal preferences.
Even commercial wheelchair lifts can be designed to fit your space requirements and budgets. They can be incorporated into schools, churches, office buildings, museums, and much more. Check out for more information on what we offer. Call us at 800-441-4449 to learn how a wheelchair lift can benefit you within a home or business setting.