For many people, riding an elevator is a daily occurrence. But whether you ride them every day or just occasionally, there are certain potential dangers that come with elevators. According to the CDC, accidents involving elevators or escalators kill 30 people and seriously injure 17,000 people each year in this country.

Here we will outline the most common dangers, what to do to avoid them, and some important elevator safety tips to follow going forward.
Top Elevator Risks
- Falls: Falls down an elevator shaft are the most lethal risk, but the most common fall injury is when people trip while exiting or entering due to the cab not being even with the floor. Estimates show that 75 percent of elevator injuries result from trips and falls.
- Getting Caught: This is a big risk, especially for escalators: getting caught in or between unforgiving moving parts, whether between elevator doors or between the top or bottom of an escalator. Kids are at the highest risk for getting hands, shoes, and clothing caught, with many losing fingers and toes each year.
- Malfunctions: These can cause serious injury and even death, and can include sudden changes of speed, faulty brake systems or erratic braking.
- Germs: Elevators are extremely germy places. High-touch areas such as buttons and handrails have the most germs, which can cause colds and other illnesses.
Elevator Safety Tips
Check out these safety tips when riding an elevator:
- Watch your step, as floors are not always level.
- Stand away from the doors so as not to catch a finger, purse or clothing in them.
- Keep children and pets close.
- As the rider closest to the doors, step aside first when the car arrives.
- Push the DOOR OPEN button when someone is trying to catch a ride.
- Don’t step between a closing door, using your foot, arm or a cane.
- Pay attention to floor indicators.
- When the elevator has stopped and the doors have opened but it’s between two floors, don’t panic. Call for help. Stay inside and don’t try to climb out. The ventilation system is sufficient to give you air for a long time. Don’t attempt getting out by the elevator hatch – that’s only for approved personnel.
- Call for help on your phone or the elevator phone or press a help or alarm button inside the cab.
- Wait calmly for someone to get to you.
- Use the handrail when in the elevator.
- Exit when arriving at your floor. Don’t delay. Be alert and refrain from rummaging through bags, purses and briefcases.
- Exit immediately.
- Don’t push.
Contact Mowrey Elevator
Safety is a top priority with us here at Mowrey Elevator. Ask us about our quality parts designed to ensure total passenger safety when you contact us today.