Similar to a motor vehicle that must pass inspection every year, there are several standards in place that must be met in order for an elevator to pass inspection. These standards are largely governed on the state level, overseen by federal offices such as OSHA. To find out the specific elevator inspection standards in your state, search online for elevator inspections along with the name of your state.

Generally, there are standards to which each building must comply. There are obvious safety codes that must be addressed no matter which state you operate in. From commercial buildings and office buildings to government agencies and universities, elevators must be deemed safe on a regular basis in order to remain in operation. The standard is usually one inspection each year; however, some states stipulate every six months. There may be follow-up audits and inspections if a problem has been reported in the past.
Inspections must be performed by certified elevator inspectors. There are many reasons why elevators need regular safety checks by third-party professionals:
- To ensure the safety of all passengers: the general public, employees, tenants, students, clients, patients, etc.
- To provide impartial inspections.
- To minimize liability.
- To meet all requirements set forth by insurance companies.
- To comply with all local, state and federal jurisdictions.
Because the safety of passengers is so dependent on a properly operating elevator, it’s important to protect your clients, tenants, employees and visitors by ensuring you choose the most qualified third party code inspector possible. In addition to performing the actual inspection, many inspectors also take care of the processing and filing fees on behalf of the client.
According to OSHA, elevators must be inspected at intervals not exceeding one year, with additional monthly inspections as needed. The records of those results must be posted inside each elevator, signed by the inspector who performed the work. Certain safety requirements must be met universally to pass, such as:
- Elevator landing openings must have operable doors and gates when the elevator is elsewhere to prevent people from falling down the shaft.
- Emergency buttons must be in working condition.
- All lights and buttons must be in working condition.
- Max load limits must be posted.
- Access to machine space must be clear.
Safety checklists are long and detailed, but here are some of the items that must be looked at in order for an elevator to pass:
- Ventilation systems
- Pipes, wiring and ducts
- Top of car clearance
- Traveling cables and junction boxes
- Car platform guard
- Hoistway enclosure
- Stop switches
- Emergency exit
- Bottom clearance
- Terminal stopping devices
- Door locking devices
- Low oil protection
If you have any questions about elevator inspections for your building, call Mowrey Elevator Company. We can provide you with the industry updates, repairs and maintenance work to ensure your elevator passes inspection.