10 Ways to Use a Dumbwaiter

Dumbwaiters have many uses within homes and businesses, and they offer a great convenience for a variety of reasons. From meal transport to laundry transport, here’s a look at 10 creative and common ways to use a dumbwaiter.

Ways to Use a Dumbwaiter
  1. Groceries: If you’ve just been to the grocery store and you want to get those heavy, cumbersome bags of groceries to the kitchen from the ground floor, use a dumbwaiter to do the hard work for you and save wasted trips.
  2. Food service: If you’re fond of entertaining at home, use dumbwaiters to transport hot appetizers and trays of cold beverages to the serving areas from the kitchen or bar. Take a break from navigating the stairs and reduce your risk of a fall. You don’t want to waste all those appetizers and cocktails! For this reason, dumbwaiters are also a staple at restaurants, homes, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.
  3. Sports equipment: If you’re the parent of a sports kid, you’re well aware of how heavy and smelly their bags are. Throw the bags into the dumbwaiter and press the button to the laundry room for easy cleaning.
  4. Laundry: It’s easy to trip on stairs when juggling full baskets of laundry. Instead, put the laundry in the dumbwaiter and transport the bins from bedrooms to laundry rooms and vice versa.
  5. Disability assistance: If you are elderly or disabled, use these life-saving lifts to send luggage and food between floors. This saves you from having to carry large loads and navigate stairs at the same time, which can result in injury in those with mobility issues.
  6. Secure money transport: Financial institutions (think: banks and credit unions) often use dumbwaiters to transport currency, coins, valuables and gold bars between floors safely and securely.
  7. Firewood storage: If you stack firewood in your basement, haul it upstairs with a dumbwaiter so you don’t have to transport those heavy logs yourself.
  8. Wine storage: Use a dumbwaiter to get cases of wine from the top floor to your wine cellar for safe and cool storage.
  9. Storage: If you, like many people, have a lot of stuff up in your basement or attic, dumbwaiters can be used to access those items and carry them back down. Use them as mini freight elevators to carry items such as seasonal decorations, boxes of clothing, and toys, saving you from hauling heavy, back-breaking loads up and down precarious ladders or stairs. Dumbwaiters can also help from a retail point of view, getting items out of storage to the main retail store floor for sale.
  10. Hazardous materials: Hazardous materials that may be contained on the main floors of a warehouse or factory can lead to exposure to customers and workers. It’s much safer to rely on dumbwaiters for transportation instead.

Purchase a Dumbwaiter from Mowrey

Browse our online catalog of dumbwaiters to view our latest models, then contact a Mowrey Representative for details on the one you like.