Month: June 2016

5 Things NOT to do in an Elevator

When you hop into an elevator for a quick ride up to work or to your doctor’s office, you may just look straight ahead and go about your business. After all, there’s an unwritten rule of certain expected behavior, such as giving people enough space, pressing buttons for everyone if you’re at the front, and… Read more »

How Elevators Have Changed in the Past 120 Years

The very first elevators made their way onto the scene as early as the 1820s, although several iterations of primitive elevators had been experimented with as far back as ancient Roman times. Things were a lot different then and the elevators of those days barely resemble those of today. According to, the 19th century… Read more »

Elevator Design: Form vs. Function

There’s no doubt as to the functional advantages to the modern elevator. After all, it has shaped how we live and do business today, spurring the proliferation of high rises throughout the 20th century. However, elevators blend both form and function to create an aesthetically pleasing internal design coupled with workable features that combine for… Read more »