Month: October 2019

Very Superstitious…Common Building/Elevator/Stairs/Ladder Superstitions

People tend to be very superstitious, whether that’s by avoiding the number 13, steering clear of black cats, or knocking on wood when they don’t want something to come true. Elevators, ladders and stairs specifically seem to get people very worked up. Here’s a look at some common stair, ladder, building and elevator superstitions. Ladders… Read more »

How Preventative Maintenance Can Cut Costs and Prolong Your Machinery

Whether you own one elevator or 20, you as the building manager or property owner know how important preventative maintenance is. You can’t afford the downtime that comes with any “surprises” in the form of last-minute repairs, failed inspections and breakdowns on the busiest days of the year. Keeping up with preventive maintenance helps keep… Read more »