When you hop into an elevator for a quick ride up to work or to your doctor’s office, you may just look straight ahead and go about your business. After all, there’s an unwritten rule of certain expected behavior, such as giving people enough space, pressing buttons for everyone if you’re at the front, and so on. Here are five things you really should NOT do on an elevator.
- Don’t use the elevator for quick hops, especially in a crowded building. Instead, follow the two-flight rule. Nobody likes someone who hops on for two floors just to avoid walking a few steps up or down the stairs. Don’t be the guy that prolongs the trip for all the long-haulers who have to make it tens of flights up. It disturbs the flow and makes everyone a little later for their appointments. Of course, there are exceptions: mothers with babies, the elderly, we get it. But if you’re a regular Joe Schmoe, don’t put everybody out just to get a free ride up one flight. Only use the elevator if you’re going more than two stories.
- Don’t let the door close in someone’s face. Nobody likes to press the hold button for a late comer. We all secretly want to let is shut and pretend we didn’t notice they were running out of breath towards us. However, this is considered in poor taste: especially if you run into that person later at the top. That’s just awkward.
- Don’t ignore personal space rules. There are varying degrees of personal space. Obviously you’re going to let a spouse get closer than you would, say, a colleague in any given social situation. However, in an elevator with just a few people in it, suffice to say, it’s best if you all just spread out. Don’t be the weird lady who stands uncomfortably close to the only other person in the elevator. Know your personal space and use it accordingly.
- Don’t face the back of the elevator. Who does that anyway? It’s hard enough sharing a space with a stranger for any length of time in a confined compartment. Don’t up the level of awkwardness by standing anywhere other than forward towards the door.
- Don’t talk loudly on the phone. Unless you’re the President of the United States, your business can wait until you’re off the elevator. This is considered rude behavior in nearly all modern cultures, so put off the phone call for a minute. You shouldn’t be discussing business in public anyway. And nobody wants to hear you arguing with your friend on which dress you should wear out tonight. Save it.
Now that you’re up to speed on your elevator etiquette, get in touch with Mowrey Elevator to learn more about our innovative products.