How Elevators and Mowrey Can be ADA-Compliant

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) was signed into law in 1990 by then-President Bush. In a nutshell, it provided the protection of civil rights to those with disabilities similar to the rights afforded by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

ADA Compliant Elevators

Many aspects of life are now protected under the ADA, and elevators are no exception. This law applies to any building that is more than three stories tall or features less than 3,000 sq ft. If your facility does not meet these requirements, compliance is not an issue. The current requirements for ADA compliant elevators (which Mowrey abides by in full) include exact dimensions for everything from car buttons to cabs to handrails. Here are just a few examples that exist within the law:

  • Hall and car buttons must be situated at 42 inches.
  • Call buttons must be at least 0.75 inches in diameter.
  • Braille plates must be located adjacent to buttons and at the jambs of entrances.
  • Chimes must announce the arrival at each floor or the passing of each floor if no stoppage occurs.
  • Each cab must be able to fit a wheelchair and its subsequent 360-degree turn.
  • Doors must be able to re-open without physical contact.
  • Emergency buttons should be located at least 35 inches from the floor.
  • Handrails must be located at 30 inches.

Visit the ADA site for specifics on elevator compliance. Here, you’ll find even more detail on what is required, from hall lantern fixtures and signal timing to door delays and floor plans. There are certain elements that must be addressed by any building or facility that incorporates elevators and abides by the aforementioned guidelines:

Placement and Operation of Elevators: Visitors must be able to access elevators easily in a public place. Elevators may be considered non-ADA compliant if they are located in an inaccessible portion of the building.

Self-Leveling: Elevators must automatically raise the cab floor to be on equal footing with the floor at which it stops.

Car Size: The size must be big enough to accommodate a certain number of people as well as those in wheelchairs to comfortably enter and turn around with ease.

Flooring: Slip-resistant flooring must be present. If carpeted, it must be securely attached with no grooves, folds or wrinkles.

If you have any other concerns or questions about Mowrey’s ADA elevator compliance, feel free to call us with any questions today. We are here to help you understand the compliance process and show you how we adhere to it to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.