Just as many states require you to have your car inspected every year, you have to do the same for your elevator. That’s because there are certain standards in place that all elevators must adhere to for safety reasons. If your elevator fails, you don’t get an approved inspection sticker – or in this case… Read more »
Tag: requirements
Complying With the Requirements of the ADA
The ADA — short for the Americans with Disabilities Act – is in place to ensure those with disabilities are protected under the law. This law was signed in 1990 by then-President Bush to protect the civil rights of the disabled, similar in nature to the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This… Read more »
Commercial Elevator Needs
Any elevator that is used in a public space is known as a commercial elevator. They are designed to carry heavy loads while standing up to tough work conditions and heavy traffic demands. As such, commercial elevators can refer to passenger elevators in a business setting, such as a hospital, high rise or doctor’s office. This… Read more »