Category: General

Building Improvements to Make in 2018

As a building or property manager, you may be looking ahead to the new year in regards to improving your apartment, store, business office or other structure. Making improvements to your building can bring added value to your property as well as convenience and safety for your customers and employees. Here are some building improvements… Read more »

5 Conversation Starters for National Talk in an Elevator Day

Bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as National Talk in an Elevator Day! Well, there is, and this year it’s July 29th. It takes place on the last Friday of July every year. The premise of this national holiday is simple: break the silence and strike up a conversation with a stranger… Read more »

Mowrey Quality – 40 + Years of Quality

Choosing an elevator repair and installation company isn’t always easy. After all, what do you look for? Well, turns out, you look for the same things you would in any company: integrity, affordability, reliability, quality and experience. Here at Mowrey Elevator, we have all those things. That’s why we’ve been able to stay in business… Read more »

How and Why the Elevator Pitch Started

An elevator pitch is a quick, catchy pitch on a business idea that you’re looking to sell to an investor. It has to be fast, so-named the elevator pitch because it should be conducted in about the time it takes to ride an elevator with the intended recipient. Come out swinging with your most impressive… Read more »

Manufacturing Marvels: Benefits of Working with Mowrey

Mowrey Elevator, a family owned business, has been designing, manufacturing and installing commercial and residential elevators and components since 1976. Featuring 18 service locations across the Southeast United States, Mowrey is proud to be one of the largest private elevator businesses in the country and leading manufacturer for Latin America and the Caribbean. At its… Read more »

The Rule of 13: Why Isn’t There a 13th Floor?

For those astute observers out there, you may have noticed that many hotels and office buildings don’t have a 13th floor. How could this legend about the unluckiness of the number 13 pervade even the hospitality industry? Are we all that superstitious to the point of excluding a whole floor? Apparently, yes. And apparently, there… Read more »

Tips for Bad Weather and Elevators

With bad weather comes the need for taking necessary precautions to keep your patrons and employees safe. Elevators and bad weather don’t always mix, so it’s important to be prepared with these tips if you are a building manager. Prepare in Advance If you’re heading into a season that’s known for its bad weather, such… Read more »

5 Interesting Facts About Elevators

We bet you don’t think much about elevators in your daily life; yet, they serve an extremely important purpose in our everyday lives. Think about the elevators you encounter each day as you head to doctor’s appointments, malls, work, school, and points of interest on your vacations. With more than 900,000 elevators currently in operation… Read more »

The Extinction of Elevator Operators

There once was a time where every elevator in the country had an attendant to open and close the doors, greet guests and address any problems that cropped up. Not so today. We’re willing to bet there are still a few elevator operators here and there for historical and tourism purposes, but today, elevator operators… Read more »

The Benefits of Partnering with Mowrey

When you think about a partnership, you think of trust. That’s what Mowrey Elevator is all about: trust, integrity, honesty and customer service. We bring 40 years of experience to this industry that you’ll be hard pressed to find anywhere else. Our commitment to quality products makes us the go-to company for elevator maintenance. As… Read more »