Tag: planning

Evaluation of Building Structure Before Install Day

Before you can add an elevator to your building or home, you have to perform a structural assessment of the existing building. This will ensure that the structure can take on the added strain of such a big moving element: the elevator. Building Design and Structural Considerations The first step to ensuring a successful elevator… Read more »

How to Determine Elevator Location

If you’re in the process of constructing or renovating your home and plan to install a residential elevator, one of the first things you should think about is the location of your elevator. Your contractor or architect can help you determine the best location that will ensure structural integrity as well as work within the… Read more »

Home Elevator Emergency Planning

No one can prevent elevator emergencies from happening. Things happen that are out of your control. But what you can do is prepare for any eventuality by stocking up on supplies to ensure a blackout, fire, weather event, or other emergency doesn’t sideline your operations. Emergency planning is vital for commercial elevators, to be sure,… Read more »

Important Considerations for Commercial Elevator Design

Chances are, you don’t think much about the design components of any commercial elevator you may encounter on a daily basis. Yet, there are professionals whose job it is to ensure the design of a commercial elevator not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also complements its functionality and safety. As a building owner, it’s important… Read more »