How to Modernize Your Elevators Without Closing Down

Chances are as a building owner, you’ve thought about remodeling your current office, apartment, store or headquarters. But you may get caught up in the more cosmetic aspects of those remodels, such as flooring and tile choices, carpeting, and décor. Don’t forget your elevators! They need to be updated too in order to stay up… Read more »

Elevator Standards Required to Pass an Inspection

Similar to a motor vehicle that must pass inspection every year, there are several standards in place that must be met in order for an elevator to pass inspection. These standards are largely governed on the state level, overseen by federal offices such as OSHA. To find out the specific elevator inspection standards in your… Read more »

How Elevators and Mowrey Can be ADA-Compliant

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) was signed into law in 1990 by then-President Bush. In a nutshell, it provided the protection of civil rights to those with disabilities similar to the rights afforded by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national… Read more »

Manufacturing Marvels: Benefits of Working with Mowrey

Mowrey Elevator, a family owned business, has been designing, manufacturing and installing commercial and residential elevators and components since 1976. Featuring 18 service locations across the Southeast United States, Mowrey is proud to be one of the largest private elevator businesses in the country and leading manufacturer for Latin America and the Caribbean. At its… Read more »

Elevator Music: Do’s & Don’ts

We all know the sappy, synchronized, generic music that plays in elevators; in fact, you don’t even have to be in an elevator to hear it. Sometimes, it will be playing in banks, offices, cruise ships, airports, stores, and other places where gentle, relaxing music is called for. You’ll even hear it when on hold… Read more »

The Rule of 13: Why Isn’t There a 13th Floor?

For those astute observers out there, you may have noticed that many hotels and office buildings don’t have a 13th floor. How could this legend about the unluckiness of the number 13 pervade even the hospitality industry? Are we all that superstitious to the point of excluding a whole floor? Apparently, yes. And apparently, there… Read more »

Elevator Etiquette: To Talk or Not to Talk

Everyone knows that awkward moment when you step onto an elevator, there’s one person on there already, and you have a long ride up or down to your destination. Do you make small talk? Ignore them completely? Pull out your cell phone and make up a pretend conversation so you don’t have to make the… Read more »

Elevator Cab Options: What is Best for Your Needs?

When choosing an elevator cab for your business, whether you own a small doctor’s office, apartment building or high rise, it’s important to consider all the options you have before settling on a decision. For instance, our Mowrey ME 200 and ME 225 cabs are manufactured with durable materials and fabricated by highly trained technicians… Read more »

Tips for Bad Weather and Elevators

With bad weather comes the need for taking necessary precautions to keep your patrons and employees safe. Elevators and bad weather don’t always mix, so it’s important to be prepared with these tips if you are a building manager. Prepare in Advance If you’re heading into a season that’s known for its bad weather, such… Read more »

5 Things to Know About Elevator Maintenance

Maintaining your elevator, whether in a corporate office skyscraper or apartment building, is critical to extending the unit’s lifespan and to keeping passengers safe. Regular maintenance is part of your responsibility as the property manager or owner, mandated by your local city or town. Hire a professional for regular elevator maintenance and repair, but before… Read more »